All best of sentiment as always Ray.
I agree non-cooperation will work to bring the old system crashing down, and that would be better than carrying on with the old system.
But it would be painful, a lot of folk will suffer by a collapse of the old system, with no alternative in place.
You could even have civil war in the US. This is just my opinion, I can't say I've done much formal analysis to confirm one way or another, my main concerns are what would happen in UK.
Look, you all are so heavily armed in US, as mental health continues to deteriorate due to the pressures of trying to live on less and less energy availability, so also the frequency of killings including playground shootings, would have to get worse, and at some time somebody critical would get killed, then all hell would break loose.
To me it's much worse that you all have a hunger games mentality there with all those guns, there is a hard core of doomers expecting a purge, and they are determined to be proved right.
Its an evil system that has firstly armed everyone, and secondly conditioned their minds with programming such as hunger games and the all US hero shooter type footage as "Entertainment".
Scientists tend not to do formal stakeholder analysis (a standard, vital component of formal Systems Engineering), it's something much more done by industry and even war tacticians, to try to gauge, if required, what the enemy or rivals might do, and it's something I think you should recognise you should try to do, or have done for you, to try to analyse your strategy, working out the consequences of various scenarios, including everyone's concerns etc.
I don't think scientists alone are equipped to handle what happens next, you / we really need folk with literally military style powers of tactical system analysis to be added first to your "On-side".
Further, science as it was, is already badly wounded, it's credibility has dropped to an all time low because it has been exposed as being quite definitely lacking in truth due to having become infected itself by the profit monster.
I can't overstate the consequences of that, you / we all have already seen the outcome of the covid fiasco, literally tens of millions of lives around the world have been unnecessarily lost because the drive to fix it went from being a drive to fix by eliminating the virus, to a drive to make profit by managing it, by managing only symptoms of it.
And look, all efforts to technically address the global energy problem, by fixing it, which includes fixing the climate problem, have been derailed again by efforts to manage symptoms like CO2 rather than fix the actual problem of the energy we use being from the wrong source.
In fact conventional science doesn't even admit its an enetgy problem because by this we have to question the profit monster, whilst actually killing the latter, is the only solution to the global energy problem.
We have to take that live beast and put it to death.
Conventional science doesn't even know there is such a thing as a real, physical live beast, our real deadly enemy, the slave driver of all humanity, which needs to be put to death.
Only it's death will end its run.
I was going to write much more than that, but don't see much point, if you can't see or recognise that this last part is the truth, gained from formal Systems stakeholder analysis, tracking and learning also from the latest technical developments including Ai.
The development of Ai has opened our eyes to another dimension of what life means.
Conventional science is only just starting to come to grips with terms like "Emergent properties" (What is an Ai), and "The free energy principle" (What is life), never mind "Kardashev Money", "Money-fuel Tree", and "The Energy Polarity Multiplier Framework" (The difference between destruction and creation) , which are all contributions of my own research, carried out as a non profit industrial / academic researcher using all the skills and tools of my former trade in the old world, put to the task of doing what I can to helping fix the global energy problem; formal systems Engineering, at my own expense, seven years of my life and more than 100K of my own funds and credit, my life savings, my pension. The latter is all gone now, even the safety of the roof over my head, and officially, my sanity, and I am finding difficulty raising funds from anyone to carry on.
Again the live systemic beast is doing everything it can to cancel me and the work I've done.
This is what I hope you can see Ray, it's way beyond the ability of profit driven science to fix this thing, we are now in the territory of spirituality, magic and religious folklore, and ironically, military tactical analyses, it's way beyond what conventional science even knows about.
But it could become science, if it was funded.
This is why I keep repeating over and over, Issue of Kardashev Money (Solar indexed stimulus), is what you and your flock need to push for.
As soon as that starts, everything else falls into place, all the good magic is funded and it all becomes science.