Ade I think we all have still some things wrong, but here is the thing, the A.P. is anonymous.
This makes a massive difference when push comes to shove, they have nothing to lose by showing loss of reason, or even loss of humanity, whereas we, who honestly and courageously stand by our arguments by putting our identities, and our physical selves on the line, have everything to lose.
So in the end, when they lose reason or humanity, we have to treat them not as humans with real feelings but as ghosts, just ghosts who might have existed only to ultimately spread poision, rather than art, which is what anonymous identities are still needed for, to protect - art.
Even if they started out with the best of intentions, it's almost unavoidable that when they do get pulled in to political or emotional arguments, they will turn to deception as well as sometimes aggression, to try to imprint you / us with their deceptive point of view, rather than accept yours as truth.
I don't think we can arrive at truth, in debate with an anonymous identity. Whole truth includes identity. Without identity there can never be whole truth.
They signed up to deception, the minute they put on the mask.
Deception is an artform, it seriously is, though it can be funny, its definitely an art.
We should treat it as that, just never take it seriously, think nothing of cutting it off, rather than allow it to take up our time and our emotions.
There is no human behind the mask! :)