Add to that, money is devaluing, due to the energy polarity confusion.
How to explain that simply is solar product is mathematically positive, adding to Earth, whereas product from mathematically negative energy, everything except solar, is subtracted from Earth. The latter is monetised by issue of money-as-debt, but the former is not monetised at all, because there is no per-Joule effort associated with solar, money issued as debt (promises to do work), can't enumerate it in the economy. Enumeration of product is needed, to provide the money to buy the product, however that manifests in economy.
I said more in my story about how the 50Bn black hole in the UK economy, being demanded of UK taxpayers, who are on the edge of general strike, could be filled with light. That story uses numerical analysis on actual UK utilities data, to show that the utilities energy business in UK has diverged from public consumption in a way which is way out of any bounds that can be explained by simply saving some energy by efficiency savings.
The UK population is well on the way to becoming solar powered, by way of domestic and community solar, but they are being fined for that, instead of being rewarded for it, by a government that doesn't know any better, because science has never pushed the point that energy should be mathematically signed, and economists never take any account of energy in economy.
I would put money of any kind on this being something affecting all countries in the world, including China and Russia.
The whole problem, including near instant reversal of the climate disaster hyperobject, and financial inflation, is fixable by issue of stimulus representing the outstanding received but unmonetised solar product since around 2005.
In UK this is worth about 450Bn. For this year alone it is 50Bn (hence the "black hole" confusion).
In bigger countries like Germany, Australia, the US, and even Africa, it has to be many trillions each, but I leave those for residents of those countries respectively to analyse, using the same method as I used if they wish.
The first country to issue this stimulus whilst there is still value in their currency would become economically strong relative to the others in a way that all would have to follow, in order to stay abreast, and afloat.
How much of a beating can be handled, at the hands of nature, before money is devalued to nothing, is anyone's guess.
I think it would be more constructive to be talking about this, rather than advising everyone to run for the hills and take cover, just yet.
After money is completely devalued, to the point that not even the rich can buy anything, is when that advice would be more appropriate, it seems to me.