Member-only story

A Theoretical Personal Cryptocurrency


Frederick Bott


{Story published in draft form for peer review}

We see a time of pause of humanity in the current pandemic.

Questions of what to do next abound.

We instinctively know something is very wrong with how we’ve been doing things, but no-one seems to know how to fix.

The symptoms include things like endless wars, massive global pollution, massive movements of starving refugees, massive populations of homeless, massive populations of persecuted peoples. This list itself is seemingly endless.

And now, our inability to deal effectively with a virus.

We see the elite reaction of wishing to restart the economy countered by the human reaction of wishing to protect the vulnerable.

The latter is true to some extent in all of us, both individually, and as a society, rich and poor.

Each of us judges every other, sometimes making our thoughts public, sometimes not.

Those with financial capital to invest, put it where they feel is most important.

Some saved to have that privilege.

Others just print it.

Big business and governments have demonstrated for some time now, that money can simply be conjured from thin air.

All that is required for any currency, is for everyone else to believe in it.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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