A reset alone will not change that we are using mathemetically negative energy. Profit itself depends on the same mathematically negative energy. Mathematically negative energy subtracts from Earth. Mathematically negative energy is destruction, never actually creation.
Science has made a mistake by not tracing this through and warning about it, probably because it sounds too close to religion, or spirituality.
But it is the hard, physical truth.
If we wish to have survival, the destruction has to stop, because destruction is a finite thing, it is unsustainable, by being limited to what remains to be destroyed.
We have to change to creation, by use of mathematically positive energy, whcih adds to Earth, in the same way as all of nature uses mathematically positive energy to add to Earth.
That is the only path to sustainability.
Sorry if that sounds radical.
I've written much more about this, and how to do it technically with domestic and community solar hydrogen, and even how to get the funds to do it, in the six years since first seeing this coming in a PhD project, after more than twenty years practice as a systems Engineer.
Finding people who wish to propagate this information even though it is their own as soon as they read it, seems to be the real challenge.
Propagating advertisements, is something generating more mistruths than most folk realise, and this has gone on a lot longer than we realise, we are actually losing touch from not only actual history but the physical reality of "Now", as far as I can tell, now confusing adverts, and bullshit created by profit driven chatbots, are being taken as truth, with the power of authorising the scariest of projects.
The business of Renewables is such bullshit, as long as we are immersed in that confusion, driven by profit as always, we will never fix the problem.
The inflation we are seeing in money, is also a direct result of the confusion over the signing of energy.
So no matter what any ruling elites might have in mind, driven by profit as always, the inflation will take the power out of their hands, one way or another.