A lot has happened on this front, since you wrote this post. Shame on Medium for obviously not promoting the story, which is actually already huge, and getting more so every day now.
The problem of utilities downplaying domestic and community solar has come to a point where now it is the physical reason for inflation, but as yet, still no-one in any official capacity is admitting it.
What we are seeing, is a relentless but slow transition, from utilities supplied energy, to domestic and community solar since around 2005 in UK.
This year, £50Bn of energy business was done by domestic and community solar in UK. This is £50Bn less revenue for utilties energy supply companies.
If there was no solar, money would have been issued as debt, for consumers to work for, to purchase that energy from utilities. So there has been 50Bn less money issued.
But the product which that money would have represented has been produced nonetheless, £50Bn pounds worth of electrical power this year.
Ultimately, we will see a fully solar powered world, probably still mostly domestic and community owned.
But if money is never issued on it, whilst the old product of extracted energy disappears, the only thing left for money to represent is solar.
Obviously this is having an effect on the value of money, we see inflation, which will get an awful lot worse very soon, it has to completely devalue money, because money will not be representing the real thing of value.
The only way to monetise the energy received from solar, is to put an initial energy standard on money, like a number of Joules or KWh units per token money, and issue it accourding to how much solar energy was put to use.
Problem is, as things stand, it is not directly measureed, effectively unmetered, since all it does when connected to the grid is to reduce the energy produced by the grid, by some amount, which we have to try to estimate using things like demographics, to try to work out the actual energy that was put to use.
Further, it turns out hydrogen technology is a very useful systemic method of converting solar to fuel which does everything fossil fuels do, with none of the pollution, and we are seeing small modular electrolyzers and fuel cells coming more into mainstream manufacture, so in a solar powered world, could feasibly provide fuel for transportation on every street corner, if all community and domestic solar installations are expanded to include hydrogen as the method of backp.
Imagine how quickly we would implement this, if money started to be issued for free to all people, honestly and clearly identified as representing Joules of energy received and put to use, and we are still only at about 20% of the total electricity put to use.
Even so, this building up noticeably since 2005, there is now £457 Bn of unmonetised solar energy in use.
Ironically, the £50 Bn generated this year, is being billed from the public, to be paid in taxes, because the government has a black hole of £50Bn that they think is due to money issued during pandemics.
But if energy was mathematically signed at source from the sun, positive, as opposed to all extracted energy being negative, then this problem would not have happened, because then it would be obvious who earned what, and who owes who.
It is the government and banks who owe themselves the money that they issued during lockdowns, and another 400Bn, to be issued to the public.
How much longer the utilites companies, banks, and governments can continue to hold out is anyone's guess, but the problem can only get worse, manifesting as ever worsening inflation, until it is fixed, the only way it can be, by issue of free money.