A little knowledge can be dangerous, it seems to me :) Though I agree artificial fusion is useless, the irony is we could maybe have it after we go solar, but why would we need it after that, unless maybe for spaceships, who knows.
On hydrogen, it doesn't come into its own, until it becomes powered by solar. This is something not many businesses for profit will admit, and unfortunately academia is included, since most of it is funded by for-profit interests.
Hence why it claims there is a blanket effect in the atmosphere, when the atmosphere is adiabatic, not supporting any blanket effect, no matter how much CO2 is pumped into it, the temperature measurements have to be of increasing entropy direct, and the latter is due to the business of profit, which is monetised destruction, no less, even when it is nuclear fission, or wind, or hydro, its all for profit, and profit itself is energy robbed from the planet, things that were not heat, converted to heat.
Its the other way round when the energy of the sun is used, to create hydrogen for example, every kg of hydrogen created from solar is 33KWhrs of potential heat energy removed from the energy of the sun landing on the planet as heat, regardsless of efficiency. Notice this is the direct reverse of the effect of taking fossil fuels from the planet and burning them.
Also in the case of information creation from the sun, this is reduction of entropy by definition, so when we power cryptocurrency, or Ai from solar, as is done in the case of ChatGPT 3.5, every bit of information created is reduction of temperature by 0.69 x Boltsman's constant in dgrees C or K, this is a lab tested result, but when its done from Extracted energy, the heat generated vastly outweighs the creation effect, but if the energy is from the sun, again, whatever is created, is what is left, when all heat has been dissipated, because this can never be more than would have happened if the energy was never used, so the net result is reduction of entropy, thus reduction of planetary temperature.
Nobody seems to know about this, becaue it has nothing to do with profit, which is an energy lie, it is a proposition to get more energy back than was given out, and when all humans do it, as we do, it all has to come from the planet, which is the only thing that can sustaing giving more energy out than in for any length of time - look, it lasted about 2000 years, but now, the rising temperature has reached flashpoint, we are at the limit of what can be done at profit.
This is what you should really be worried about, rather than worrrying about what hydrogen might do in the environment, it is a natural element, not toxic, all products from it are more or less conumable by nature, even plastics created from it, and look, it also converts to food (See "Solein", hydrogen is the main energy component).
I've produced the system solution that shows how we can use solar powered hydrogen to keep all aerospace airborne, whilst net cooling the planet, whilst cleaning and filtrating boith air and water, the only thing standing in the way is lack of ability to liquidise hydrogen at room temperature, but even this looks like a deliberate omission from science, there is a noticeable hole in research around that subject, nobody appears to have really tried to liquefy it at room temperature, because this, if / when it is achieved, will blow all feasibilty of fossil fuels out, in comparision, hydrogen has 3x the energy density of fossil fuels, when both are in similar liquid form.
The harsh truth is, we dont want to admit that our existence, all at profit, is destruction, anti-life, we virtue signal in all kinds of ways to try to wiggle out of the part we play in the destruction, and the genocide, its all driven by the same thing, the energy lie of profit, and all the lies built on it.
In a way we can say, honestly, hand on heart, the planet is burning because of all the lies, the imaginary world we live in, built of lies, whilst the real world burns around us.
Recalling the relationship between creation / destruction, and information, lab tested, a lie is not information, its misinformation, which has to go to temperature rise, never decrease, lies are increase of entropy by definition, and look, the planet is starting to burn, we just measured the twelveth month in a row of the highest per month ever temperatures, for the past twelve months running.
When will we get the message, that only truth is going to work, if we want any survival at all?
For truth, we are going to have to start issuing money as solar indexed stimulus, to reflect that the energy of the sun comes for free, nothing asked by the sun per KWhr in return.
This is the only way to monetise creation, rather than destruction.