A few things are missing from your analysis, as well as a fix.
There is a fix, but it will probably horrify anyone who still believes investing in capital for profit was ever a good idea.
We see the fix when we look at how nature works, the energy of the sun is converted by plants to various kinds of energy capital which are usable by all other life on Earth, which then competes for it, if there isn’t enough to go round.
So we fight to hoard it, for as much as we are able individually to withold from our fellow humans, and all other life, in order to profit from them.
In other words, our sole aim in life is to take as much as we can from our fellow humans, and all other life.
Can’t blame millionaires and billionaires for winning in a game we all took part in.
The system of profit teaches this now all the way through school and adult life.
Yet nature doesn’t work that way.
In nature, the sun is the grand benefactor of the energy used by all life.
That same energy becomes all the things we know as capital.
So the sun donates all wealth.
Nature donates all wealth.
No other species consumes itself and its environment from the inside out using profit like we do.
We are unique there, and dead wrong, it is unsustainable, a grand energy ponzi, which over thousands of years has caused environmental problems which all stem back to the removal of various forms of capital, of what was put there, by the sun.
We each try to possess the capital of Earth as if it all belongs to us, in order that we can scarcify it, and charge for it, to gain power over others.
Since we’ve had the technology to measure sunlight, we’ve known that far more energy than we could ever use falls on Earth.
And since we’ve had the technology to gather it, we’ve had the capability to tap into that infinite energy source, to open it up for human consumption.
But there was always a catch, when an infinite source of anything is tapped into, what comes out is something infinite.
Therefore it can’t be scarcified after the tap is opened.
Bitcoin has been converting solar energy to money for years now.
The tap has been opened, now wealth no longer comes from a closed box containing a known, finite amount.
Wealth from the infinite source of all wealth is being poured into the back door of the economy.
That explains why money issued as stimulus now goes up in value, not down, at the time it is issued.
Now it goes down in value when it isn’t issued.
So there we see money starting to take on the same properties as energy from the sun, the highest value and reward in nature happens when the sun is converted, the process of conversion is the thing of value, there is no value added by freezing the action of creation, so why do we think saved capital should have value?
Nature is breaking that illusion by forcing our money to a similar form as energy, not the capital kind, energy spent, but the live current and future kind that we see coming uniquely from the sun.
So it will make sense in the very near future, to put an energy standard on all money, attributing the authority to print money to the sun.
Bitcoin is unique in being eventually responsible for all solar energy on Earth, so it uniquely represents a flow of energy, rather than a fixed amount.
Notice that same property, of an interface defining a constant throughput of energy which is converted to a form usable by all humans is the same as played by plants, in nature.
Bitcoin, coupled with solar panels, mimics the creative effect of plants.
Bitcoin, coupled with solar panels, is our human made version of plants.
Artificial plants, which serve an identical function as plants in nature, converting the energy of the sun to the form of work, distributable to all people, who will find an infinity of ways to create with it, as well as feeding from it.
Equipped with that, it won’t be long until we realise we no longer need capital, thus finally the grand energy ponzi is broken.
All we need to do to put a live energy value on Bitcoin is divide what we know is our ultimate demand for power, around 20TW, divide by the total stock of Bitcoins which will eventually be minted, 20 million, and we get an energy value of 1MW per Bitcoin.
Then the distribution of Bitcoin becomes the authority for any government, company, bank, or individual to print money in the form of proof of work tokens corresponding to the amount of Bitcoins held.
If tokens representing more energy than the supply represented by the amount of Bitcoin held are issued, then the value of the issued tokens will go down.
Otherwise their value will increase, as long as less energy than the amount held in Bitcoin is not exceeded in the creation of proof of work tokens, all is good, value is maintained.
The intrinsic value of a token is the amount of solar energy required to create it.
In the meantime, for not long at all, governments will issue free money because they have to, and haven’t figured out how to ratify it all on the only thing capable of backing it; the solar energy of the world.