A detail you got wrong here, and I hate to be the one pointing it out, but the Nazis are on the Ukrainian side. Most Russians see the rise of European Nationalism, and what they perceive as the creep of Europe backed by the US as a resurgence of Nazism, and Ukraine still worships Nazism with Statues of Banderas still in town squares in Ukraine, and many divisions of Ukrainian military run by self proclaimed Nazis. Check it on youtube, there is no shortage of them getting publicity there.
If we , and Europe, drift into Nazism, it will be because we forgot how to identify Nazis. Nazis are as Nazis do, they wipe out populations based on ethnicity.
Russia has not done any of that, we can't accuse them of that, in fact Putin has always said an intention of Russia by the special op which became invasion, was to remove the Nazis from Ukraine.
They blamed Ukrainian Nazis for the persecution of Russian leaning Ukrainians still living in Ukraine, since the event of the Maidan in 2014.
They won't have forgotten losing 25 million to the Nazis, and I would put money on it that they will still be educated in school, all about Nazis, like we were in UK when I was younger, but which seems to have been lost from education in Europe now.
And... ironically its the republicans in US, and Trump, who are pointing out the internal problem in Europe, they haven't called it Nazism, but it does sound like they are identifying totalitarianism, which arguably becomes Nazism.