A chicken in an egg, or an unborn human or other mammal gets all of its energy from its yolk, or placenta.
The human species gets all its energy from the Earth.
All are feeding from limited sources.
Is it wise, for the unborn chicken or mammal, to be born, by removing their dependence from their limited, diminishing sources of embryonic energy?
Why would it be any different for the human species?
There exists in many places evidence of the established technologies we must use.
I have shown as a person experienced in implementation of large scale systems how to do it.
None of that is controversial.
What is controversial is that a consequence of the transition is that money must come to be freely issued forever, to become compatible with the new system of unlimited energy.
I suspect that is the part you might be really struggling with.
That is the part that exists on the concepts of enforceable limits.
To me it looks like you are determined to see limits where there are none.
All we have to do, to put the limits behind us, as a species, is to remove our dependence from the limited energy source, our planet.
All we have to do is be born, as a species.