Frederick Bott
3 min readJul 1, 2023


A carbon tax will fix nothing, just make things worse, as will any and all efforts to "mitigate carbon".
This is deducible by looking at what is driving the burning of the planet - rising temperature, which has to happen as a result of our constant activity of converting matter and energy fields of Earth to anything other than what they were by nature; E=MC squared gives the relationship between matter and energy, and the default state of energy is heat, which has to add to temperature.
Notice also profit is directly related to, and fully dependent on energy by extraction.
So we should see all talk of carbon mitigation and actually "Renewables" is confusion taken advantage of, by the need or wish to generate profit, a sales pitch contains only part of the truth, it can't speak of the damage done by profit, because this would threaten profit.
See the issue?
If we recognise that the required transition, is to swich dependence of humanity from the unsustainable practice of extraction from Earth, to the opposite, adding enetgy to Earth, from the only source we can use to do this, the sun, then we should see any delay in the transition is undesirable, unnecessarily increasing the "switching losses" in the transition, which have to manifest as more heat, just like in a switching transistor, then we should see anything tying us into continued energy extraction is not good, actually very bad, the transistor is in grave danger of overheating most, during the transition.
Notice the planet is burning more this year than ever before, despite we know we are about 20 to 30 percent into the transition, evidenced by utilities energy data coupled with demographic data, since 2005, this should have resulted in some relief of the temperature increasing impulse, but actually has resulted in more, as we can see, carbon is not the problem, temperature is the problem, and the only way to reduce that is to stop doing the activities adding to temperature, that is the business of extraction.
Otherwise, we might as well be opening the fridge door in the room containing the fridge, to try to lower the temperature in the room, which is already to hot for the fridge, all that achieves is the fridge working even harder, generating even more heat, the additional effort of the fridge with door open is the effort of carbon mitigation, always for profit, always at cost of yet more energy extraction, and thus more heat generation.
The only way round this is to totally abandon the for-profit system. It is redundant, already struggling, as we can see by inflation.
This is further confirmed by analysis from the point of view of economic product added to Earth from the sun, by the same utilities / demographic data mentioned earlier, the reason for inflation is that money issued as debt can't and won't represent product created by energy received for free, nothing asked for it by the sun.
Further, the same physical deduction as used to deduce the source driver of temperature works in reverse in the case of energy used from sunlight, it has the opposite effect, driving down temperature.
So the solution, the only solution, is to immediately issue the stimulus needed to not only fix inflation, but to enable everyone to maximise future solar stipend by using the stimulus to implement as much community solar hydrogen infrastructure as possible, completing the transition in only a year or so, whilst eliminating all battery requirements, and enabling even clean, fully empowered aviation in a new sharing economy.
Carbon taxing, and carbon mitigation should be abandoned, along with all the other bullshit business (Graeber - bullshit jobs), if we want any future at all.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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